Cookiecutter Prompts

Project Name

Prompt: project_name

Your project name.

Project Slug

Prompt: project_slug

Your project name, importable by python.


Prompt: author_name

Name of the primary author, will be added to the admins.


Prompt: email

Email of the primary author, will be added to the admins.

Info Email

Prompt: info_mail

Email that receives notifications on user sign ups and requests to join the private beta.

Domain Name

Prompt: domain_name

Your domain name.


Prompt: timezone

Sets the timezone, see list of timezones for more.

Django Long Term Support

Prompt: django_long_term_support

Installs the LTS release of Django, currently 1.8.

React & Redux Integration

Prompt: react

Installs Webpack, React, Redux, Django Rest Framework with session authentication and a react starter template. See react & redux for more.

Basic Blog

Prompt: blog

Adds a very simple blog app to the project. See blog for more.

Private Beta Mode

Prompt: private_beta

When enabled, user sign up is replaced by an invite system. See private beta mode for more.

Default Subscription Type

Prompt: free_subscription_type

Sets the default plan a new user is subscribed to. Select freemium to subscribe new users to the Free plan, trial for the Trial plan, and None for no subscription at all. See free subscription type for more.