Things to Change

This document is still a work in progress, see #45.

Logo & Favicon

The logo is at static/images/logo.png and the favicon at static/images/favicon.png. Replace them with your own.

Privacy Policy

Add your privacy policy in templates/pages/privacy_policy.html.

Terms and Conditions

Add your own terms and conditions in templates/pages/terms_and_conditions.html.


Cookiecutter SaaS uses a total of three base templates. They are based on bootstrap with basic styles from’s flatly theme. You typically want to replace them all with your own base templates and styling.

Base Template

Located at: templates/base.html

The base template for every page outside of the application. For example the startpage, the features page, the pricing page etc.


Blank Base Template

Located at: templates/base_blank.html

Base template for all pages with very little content and a call to action. For example, user sign ups, email verification, error pages.

sign up

App Base Template

Located at: templates/app/base.html

This is the base template for your app.

app dashboard react